0098/2018 - Gender, Sexual Rights and their Implications on Health.
Gênero, Direitos Sexuais e suas Implicações na Saúde.


• Romeu Gomes - Gomes, R. - <romeugo@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3100-8091


• Daniela Murta - Murta, D - <dmurta@oi.com.br>
• Regina Facchini - Facchini, R. - <re.facchini@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9347-3963
• Stela Nazareth Meneghel - Meneghel, S.N - Porto Alegre, RS - <stelameneghel@gmail.com> +
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7219-7178


The article aims to problematize aspects related to gender and sexual rights, as well as their implications in the field of health. For this, the assay is used as a methodological design. In the first part, we try to discuss the feminicide, emphasizing that there are deaths of women due to the fact that they are women that constitute of situations of lesa humanity or femi-genocide. Next, it deals with sexual and gender diversity, with emphasis on the fragility of the right to have rights that are expressed in the worsening of the health conditions of the LGBTI (Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transvestites, Transsexuals and Intersex) population. Finally, it discuss the gender plurality’s recognition and the limit to the rights of the bodies outside of the norm, criticizing the binary and cisgender norm reiteration that can reinforce the vulnerability in health of trans people and other non-normative bodies and identities. It is concluded that, in the 30 years of existence of the Unified Health System, advances in the political field, many of them created by social movements, and initiatives aimed at coping with femicide and lack of adequate assistance to LGBTI people, can not be disregarded. Faced with the challenges, it reiterates the necessary relationship between health promotion and protection of human rights related to gender and sexuality.


gender; sexual rights; health


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Gomes, R., Murta, D, Facchini, R., Meneghel, S.N. Gender, Sexual Rights and their Implications on Health.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/Feb). [Citado em 22/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/gender-sexual-rights-and-their-implications-on-health/16631?id=16631&id=16631

