0520/2012 - Health and Environmental Governance for Sustainable Development
Governança em Saúde e Ambiente para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável


• Paulo Marchiori Buss - Buss, P.M. - Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Fiocruz - <paulo.buss@fiocruz.br, buss@fiocruz.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9944-9195


• Jorge Mesquita Huet Machado - Machado, J. M. H. - fIOCRUZ - <jorge.machado@fiocruz.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1176-1919
• Edmundo Gallo - Gallo, E. - Brasília, DF - Fiocruz - <gallo@fiocruz.br>
• Danielly de Paiva Magalhães - Magalhães, D.P. - Fiocruz - <daniellypaiva@uol.com.br>
• Andréia Faraoni Freitas Setti - Setti, A.F.F. - Fiocruz - <andreiasetti@gmail.com >
• Francisco de Abreu Franco Netto - Netto, F.A.F - Fiocruz - <francisconetto@fiocruz.br>
• Daniel Forsin Buss - Daniel Forsin Buss - Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Fiocruz - <dbuss@ioc.fiocruz.br> +

Thematic Area:

Políticas em Saúde


The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, Rio+20, will address the challenges for sustainable development (SD), ‘green economy and poverty eradication’ and the ‘institutional structure of sustainable development’. Therefore it will address the governance needed to achieve such goals. This paper discusses the structure of global, regional and national governance of and for health and environment in the context of SD. Among other global actions, the Millenium Development Goals were a significant recent political effort, but despite its advances, it fails when ignores the structural causes of production and consumption patterns and the unequal distribution of power, which are responsible for inequities and impede true development. To achieve SD, proposals must avoid reductionism, advancing conceptually and methodologically to face the challenges of the socio-environmental determinants of health through intersectoral action, including social participation and all levels of government. It is paramount to continue the implementation of Agenda 21, to meet the MDGs and to create ‘Sustainable Development Goals’. Regarding the health field, Rio+20 Summit must reassure the connection between health and sustainability – as a part of the Social pillar of sustainable development – inspiring politics and actions in multiple levels.


Rio+20 Environmental Health Public Health Political Science Poverty Eradication Green Economy


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Buss, P.M., Machado, J. M. H., Gallo, E., Magalhães, D.P., Setti, A.F.F., Netto, F.A.F, Daniel Forsin Buss. Health and Environmental Governance for Sustainable Development. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2012/May). [Citado em 22/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/health-and-environmental-governance-for-sustainable-development/10105?id=10105&id=10105

