0266/2021 - Health Evaluation and Worker Health: the settlement of the length of time off the work in focus
Perícias em saúde e Saúde do Trabalhador: a definição do tempo de afastamento em foco


• Vivian Heringer Pizzinga - Pizzinga, V. H. - <vivianhp@globo.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4602-2267


• Rafaela Teixeira Zorzanelli - Zorzanelli, R.T. - Rio de Janeiro, RJ - <rtzorzanelli@hotmail.com>


For the purpose of analyzing topics linking the health-illness-work process to medical evaluation practices under the scope of the federal public service and their interaction with Worker Health, this article investigates the issue of determining the sick leave period a worker is granted for caring for their own health, within the SubsistemaIntegrado de Atenção à Saúde do Servidor (SIASS). To that end, the parameters for granting time off work, as provided by the Manual de PeríciaOficial. The importance given to the topic of ‘days off work’ arisesthe fact that it is related to the time the worker takes to recover, which implies fewer days dedicated to being productive. Interviews were conducted with 32professionals (physicians, psychologists, social workers, dentists and physiotherapist)5 educational institutions, and this article highlights some analytical categories: days off work; Manual da Perícia and disagreement between medical evaluators and attending physicians. The results point to the usefulness of reframing the Manual taking into account Worker Health, identifying contradictions; the need for shaping an effectively interdisciplinary evaluation, so that the worker’s health-related complaints can be handledthe perspective of care to the worker, and not simply concerning control and surveillance, the assumption of distrust is always present.


Health Worker; health evaluation; federal public service.


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Pizzinga, V. H., Zorzanelli, R.T.. Health Evaluation and Worker Health: the settlement of the length of time off the work in focus. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2021/Aug). [Citado em 22/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/health-evaluation-and-worker-health-the-settlement-of-the-length-of-time-off-the-work-in-focus/18165?id=18165&id=18165

