0147/2016 - Health promotion in the workplace: one way to go
Promoción de la salud en los lugares de trabajo: un camino por recorrer


• Luzetty Chaves Bazzan - Chaves Bazzani, Luzetty - Universidad Nacional de Colombia - <lcbazzani@unal.edu.com> +


• Alba Idaly Muñoz Sanchez - Muñoz Sanchez, Alba Idaly - Universidad Nacional de Colombia - <albaidalymunoz@gmail.com>

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It is necessary to transcend the conceptual development and the application of Workplace Health Promotion (WHP), because they have been considered as appropriate and priority sceneries for health promotion. A qualitative study with hermeneutic approach that used the state of the art technique was developed. A total of 131 documents of national and international organizations guidelines and Embase, ScienceDirect and Scielo databases were studied. Three main categories emerged of this study: WHP conceptual development, methodologies in the WHP study and WHP results measurement. The scientific production is generated mainly in North America, Europe and Brazil in Latin America. There had been documented positive impacts on health, productivity and costs. The amplitude of WHP action is restricted to the formal business, with minimal approaches to environments of informal workers. WHP must be aimed to the improvement of the organization conditions, working conditions, active participation and individual development of workers; however, the research has focused in specific actions related on reducing some risk factors, disease prevention programs and intervention on individual habits.


Health promotion Workplace Occupational health


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