0757/2007 - Health Surveillance: foundations, interfaces and tendencies
Vigilância da Saúde: fundamentos, interfaces e tendências
• Antonio Luis Vicente Arreaza - Arreaza, A.L.V. - Santos, São Paulo - Instituto Adolfo Lutz, Coordenadoria de Controle de Doenças, Secretraria de Estado da Saúde de São Paulo - <arreaza@ial.sp.gov.br>Thematic Area:
Não CategorizadoAbstract:
Abstract The present article rescues initially the forms, content and operational projection of the epidemiological surveillance as indispensable tool for the knowledge field and public health practices. After that, we verify that the health surveillance model establishes an enlargement of this operational concept of surveillance by integrating the collectives and individuals practices in different health necessities dimensions, which includes beyond of the risks and damages control also the determinants ecossociais. In the sequence, we search to dimension the distinct levels of actuation of this sanitary practice articulated to the interventions of promotion, protection and recovery under a located and integrated logic of the unique system of Brazilian health. Finally, we argue that all the conceptual-operational model framework of public health surveillance itself constitutes as a politics and sanitary base for the consolidation of the health promotion paradigm in the collective health field.Key words: Health surveillance; Sanitary practice; Collective health