0319/2018 - Heteronomy in scope of adolescent health: An integrative review of the literature.
Heteronomia no âmbito da saúde do adolescente: Uma Revisão Integrativa da literatura.


• Flávia Pacheco de Araújo - Araújo, FP - <pacheco.flavia@gmail.com>


• Aldo Pacheco Ferreira - Ferreira, A.P. - Rio de Janeiro, - <aldopachecoferreira@gmail.com>
• Marcos Besserman Vianna - Vianna, MB - <mbessa@ensp.fiocruz.br>
• Maria Helena Barros de Oliveira - Oliveira, Maria Helena Barros de - <mhelen@ensp.fiocruz.br>


The rights of adolescents in the field of health are not restricted to understanding their demands, but to respect themselves as an autonomous subject and protagonist of their care. However, in view of the rights of adolescents in the daily life of health carethe perspective of autonomy, heteronomy, subjecting the individual to the will of others, is in a precarious situation. Research was based on articles extractedthe Scopus, PubMed, and BVS databases, by cross-referencing with the descriptors: \"adolescent health\", \"civil responsibility\", and \"parental responsibility\". Once the inclusion and exclusion criteria had been adopted, 32 studies were analyzed. In general, it was pointed out that the adolescents are not considered in the decision of the parents / guardians about the health care to be performed, as well as the family relationship is established by rules maintained by punishment, collection and control, leaving aside the dialogue. In view of this, it is considered the need for measures to protect and promote autonomy, academic debates about the relation between adolescent health and heteronomy, considering the field of Human Rights and Health, requires greater evaluations with a view to guiding in the legal scope the daily life of parental care in adolescent health care.


Adolescent, Health, Review.


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Araújo, FP, Ferreira, A.P., Vianna, MB, Oliveira, Maria Helena Barros de. Heteronomy in scope of adolescent health: An integrative review of the literature.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/Jul). [Citado em 21/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/heteronomy-in-scope-of-adolescent-health-an-integrative-review-of-the-literature/16852?id=16852

