1268/2012 - Homicides in the Region of the Americas: magnitude, distribution and trends, 1999-2009 Homicídios na região das Américas: magnitude, distribuição e tendências, 1999-2009
• Vilma Pinheiro Gawryszewski - GAWRYSZEWSKI VP - São Paulo, SP - Pan American Health Organization/ Health Information and Analysis/ Health Surveillance, Disease Prevention and Control (PAHO/HA/HSD) - <gawry@uol.com.br> +
• Antonio Sanhueza - Sanhueza A - Pan American Health Organization/ Health Information and Analysis/ Health Surveillance, Disease Prevention and Control (PAHO/HA/HSD) - <sanhueza@paho.org> • Ramon Martinez-Piedra - Martinez-Piedra R - Pan American Health Organization/ Health Information and Analysis/ Health Surveillance, Disease Prevention and Control (PAHO/HA/HSD) - <martiner@paho.org> • José Antonio Escamilla - Escamilla JA - Pan American Health Organization/ Health Information and Analysis/ Health Surveillance, Disease Prevention and Control (PAHO/HA/HSD) - <escamillaj@paho.org> • Fátima Marinho de Souza - Marinho de Souza, M.F - Pan American Health Organization/ Health Information and Analysis/ Health Surveillance, Disease Prevention and Control (PAHO/HA/HSD) - <mfmsouza@gmail.com> ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3287-9163
Thematic Area:
Objective: To describe the magnitude and distribution of mortality by homicides in the Americas and to analyze trends. Methods: We analyzed deaths by homicides (X85 to Y09 and Y35) from 32 countries of the Region of the Americas, from 1999 to 2009, registered in the Mortality Information System/Pan American Health Organization. A negative binomial model was used to study the trends. Results: There were around 121,297 homicides (89% men and 11% women) in the Americas, annually. The majority were 15 to 24 and 25 to 39 years old. In 2009 the homicide age-adjusted mortality rate was 15.5/100,000 in the region. Countries with lower rates/100,000: Canada (1.8), Argentina (4.4), Cuba (4.8), Chile (5.2), and the United States (5.8); the highest rates/100,000: El Salvador (62.9), Guatemala (51.2), Colombia (42.5), Venezuela (33.2), and Puerto Rico (25.8). From 1999-2009, trend in homicides was stable for the region. However, rates increased in nine countries such as Venezuela (p<0,001), Panama (p<0,001), El Salvador (p<0,001), Puerto Rico (p<0.001); declined in four countries, particularly in Colombia (p<0.001); and were stable in Brazil, the United States, Ecuador and Chile. The increase in Mexico occurred in the past years. Conclusions: Despite the efforts made in the region, various countries had high homicide rates and among others rates have increased in the last decade.
Homicídios na região das Américas: magnitude, distribuição e tendências, 1999-2009
Objetivo: Descrever a magnitude e distribuição da mortalidade por homicídios nas Américas e analisar suas tendências. Métodos: Foram analisados óbitos por homicídios (X85 a Y09 e Y35) de 32 países das Américas, período 1999-2009, registrados no Sistema de Informações de Mortalidade/Organização Pan Americana da Saúde. Utilizou-se modelo binomial negativo para estudar as tendências. Resultados: Cerca de 121.297 mortes por homicídios (89% homens e 11% mulheres) ocorreu anualmente nas Américas, predominando as idades de 15 a 24 e 25 a 39 anos. Em 2009, a taxa padronizada de homicídios da região foi 15,5/100.000. Os países com taxas/100.000 baixas foram Canadá (1,8), Argentina (4,4), Cuba (4,8), Chile (5,2) e Estados Unidos (5,8); e com taxas/100.000 altas foram El Salvador (62,9), Guatemala (51,2), Colômbia (42,5), Venezuela (33,2) e Porto Rico (25,8). Entre 1999-2009 as taxas da região permaneceram estáveis; aumentaram em nove países, como Venezuela (p<0,001), Panamá (p<0,001), El Salvador (p<0,001) e Porto Rico (p<0,001); diminuíram em quatro países, especialmente na Colômbia (p<0,001); e permaneceram estáveis no Brasil, Estados Unidos, Ecuador e Chile. O aumento no México ocorreu no período mais recente. Conclusões: Apesar dos esforços empreendidos, diversos países têm taxas altas de homicídios; em alguns houve crescimento nas taxas na última década.
GAWRYSZEWSKI VP, Sanhueza A, Martinez-Piedra R, Escamilla JA, Marinho de Souza, M.F. Homicides in the Region of the Americas: magnitude, distribution and trends, 1999-2009. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2012/Sep). [Citado em 07/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/homicides-in-the-region-of-the-americas-magnitude-distribution-and-trends-19992009/11278?id=11278