1564/2012 - Housing of individuals with severe mental disorder in Brazil: an assessment
Modos de morar de pessoas com transtorno mental grave no Brasil: uma avaliação interdisciplinar


• Juarez Pereira Furtado - Furtado, J. P. - SP - Universidade Federal de São Paulo - <juarezpfurtado@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6605-1925


• Augustin de Tugny - Tugny, A. - Escola de Belas Artes, UFMG - <atugny@gmail.com>
• Ana Maria Baltazar - Baltazar, A.M. - Escola de Arquitetura, UFMG - <baltazar.ana@gmail.com>
• Silke Kaap - Kaap, S. - Escola de Arquitetura, UFMG - <Kaap.Silke@gmail.com>
• Eunice Nakamura - Nakamura, E. - Universidade Federal de São Paulo - <eunice_nakamura@hotmail.com>
• Cláudia Maria Generoso - Generoso, C.M. - Departamento de Psicologia, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - <claudia.generoso@yahoo.com.br>
• Florianita Coelho Braga Campos - Braga Campos, F.C. - Universidade Federal de São Paulo - <florianita.cbc@gmail.com>
• Andréa Maris Campos Guerra - Guerra, A.M.C. - Departamento de Psicologia, UFMG - <andreamcguerra@gmail.com>

Thematic Area:

Avaliação de Serviços de Saúde


We present a qualitative evaluative research on housing of people with severe mental disorder receiving mental health support from the city government in three large cities in Brazil. We have conducted participant observation of ten residents and their caregivers in Residential Therapeutic Services (SRT) and have followed the routine of eight users of Psychosocial Support Centers (CAPS) who constituted their homes by their own initiatives. Both residents of SRTs and CAPS users were also interviewed in depth. The field material was analyzed by means of the interpretation method, from the perspective of architects, anthropologists, psychoanalysts and sanitarians. The findings indicate a lack of systematic processes of psychosocial rehabilitation of the residents of SRTs, caregivers unprepared to deal with the complexity of the residents’ demands and also low involvement of CAPS with SRTs. Moreover, users connected to the CAPS, who do not live in SRTs, showed a range of creative ways to constitute their homes and more interaction with the community, although some have the support of hostels and asylums to address their housing needs. At the end of the text we point out a few directions to overcome the problems encountered.


Mental Health Housing Public Health Anthropology Psychoanalysis Interdisciplinary Research


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Furtado, J. P., Tugny, A., Baltazar, A.M., Kaap, S., Nakamura, E., Generoso, C.M., Braga Campos, F.C., Guerra, A.M.C.. Housing of individuals with severe mental disorder in Brazil: an assessment. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2012/Oct). [Citado em 21/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/housing-of-individuals-with-severe-mental-disorder-in-brazil-an-assessment/11441?id=11441

