0270/2021 - Humanisation in the Complementary and Integrative Practice ambience: the meaning of well-beingthe users´ perspective
Humanização na ambiência de Práticas Integrativas e Complementares: significado de bem-estar na perspectiva dos usuários
• Mariana Silva Villela - Villela, M. S. - <arq.marianavillela@gmail.com>ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7074-4027
• Vera Helena Moro Bins-Ely - Bins-Ely, V. H. M. - <vera.binsely@gmail.com>ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2888-3453
ABSTRACTAiming to have a qualitative increase in health spaces and provide a positive experience for its users, this article presents the meanings of well-being related to the environment, attributed by users of therapeutic environments with complementary and integrative practices (CIPs). One of the objectives of the qualitative research was to ‘Identify the meaning of well-being and the stimuli that influence it in CIP environments’. An environmental assessment was carried out in three case studies in 2017, using multiple methods, of which interviews — with therapists, patients and coordinators from institutions — and systematic observations best contributed to the results presented here. The categorisation of the results suggests that the meanings of well-being attributed by users of therapeutic CIP environments are: Welcomeness, Motivation, Beauty, Concentration, Trust, Relaxation and Simplicity. In this article, the discussion of categorisation in relation to the literature review, user samples, environmental stimuli and methods is presented. It is estimated that this categorisation can contribute to the humanisation of CIP ambiences and to improving their architectural projects.
Keywords: Humanisation; Healthcare Architecture; Environment and Public Health; Complementary and Integrative Practices.