0306/2023 - Impact of Municipal Policies and Plans on Indicators of Access to Basic Sanitation
Impacto das Políticas e Planos Municipais sobre os Indicadores de Acesso ao Saneamento Básico


• Juliana Maria de Araújo - Araújo, J.M - <juliana.m.araujo@ufv.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2004-3062


• Suely de Fátima Ramos Silveira - Silveira, S.F.R - <sramos@ufv.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1303-7190
• Marco Aurélio Marques Ferreira - Ferreira, M.A.M - <marcoaurelio@ufv.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9538-1699


Although the literature on public policies has advanced a lot, the effectiveness of sanitation policies has not been sufficiently explored in empirical studies. Therefore, this study aimed to understand the impact of municipal basic sanitation policies and plans on the rate of access to drinking water and sewage services. For this, data were collectedthe 853 municipalities of Minas Gerais regarding the provision of sanitation, as well as socioeconomic, quality of life and demographic indicators, treated with the t-test techniques for differences between means and Propensity Score Matching. The results revealed the need for greater sanitation planning in the state since a significant portion of municipalities do not have formal planning instruments for the sector. Furthermore, it was found that sanitation policies and plans had a positive impact on the rates of access to sanitation, both total and urban. However, regarding water supply, the data did not reveal a statistically significant positive impact. Therefore, the results shed light on the effectiveness of planning instruments for this category of services, revealing their contribution to expanding access to sanitation.


Basic Sanitation Services; Propensity Score Matching; Municipal Basic Sanitation Plan; Municipal Basic Sanitation Policy.


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Araújo, J.M, Silveira, S.F.R, Ferreira, M.A.M. Impact of Municipal Policies and Plans on Indicators of Access to Basic Sanitation. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2023/Oct). [Citado em 03/03/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/impact-of-municipal-policies-and-plans-on-indicators-of-access-to-basic-sanitation/18932?id=18932

