0087/2018 - Impact on human health of endocrine disruptors present in environmental water bodies: there is an association with obesity?
Impacto na saúde humana de disruptores endócrinos presentes em corpos hídricos: existe associação com a obesidade?


• Regina C.N.Pontelli - Pontelli, RCN - <altacilio@fmrp.usp.br>


• Altacilio Aparecido Nunes - Nunes, AA - <altacilio@fmrp.usp.br>
• Sonia Valle Walter Borges de Oliveira - Oliveira, S. V. W. B. - <soniavw@fearp.usp.br>


There is growing evidence that endocrine disrupters (ED) may adversely affect humans. Surface and ground water are the main sources to get their potability however, can be contaminated by ED, which are not completely removed by conventional processes of water and sewage treatment. Some health problems are related to the exposure of humans to ED, obesity being one of them. Currently lives an increase in obesity prevalence worldwide, a fact considered worrying, considering its potential impact on the health care system, since major chronic diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular diseases have obesity as a major risk factor. Through literature review, this paper aims to gather scientific publications relating to exposure to ED with obesity, in order to verify the importance of their removalwater bodies, preserving the population\'s health and aquatic biota. Most of the ed studies suggest an association between ED and obesity in humans.


Endocrine Disruptors; Environmental; Water; Obesity.


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Pontelli, RCN, Nunes, AA, Oliveira, S. V. W. B.. Impact on human health of endocrine disruptors present in environmental water bodies: there is an association with obesity?. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/Feb). [Citado em 22/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/impact-on-human-health-of-endocrine-disruptors-present-in-environmental-water-bodies-there-is-an-association-with-obesity/16620?id=16620&id=16620

