0260/2018 - Implementation, access and use of integrative and complementary practices in the unified health system: Literature review.
Implementação, acesso e uso das práticas integrativas e complementares no sistema único de saúde: Revisão da literatura.


• Ludmila de Oliveira Ruela - Ruela, LO - <ludmilaoliveira.r@hotmail.com>


• Caroline de Castro Moura - Moura, CC - <carol_castro_m@hotmail.com>
• Clícia Valim Côrtes Gradim - Gradim, CVC - <cliciagradim@gmail.com>
• Juliana Stefanello - Stefanello, J - <julianas@eerp.usp.br>
• Denise Hollanda Iunes - Iunes, DH - <deniseiunes@unifal-mg.edu.br>
• Rogério Ramos do Prado - Prado, RR - <rogerio.prado@unifenas.br>


In Brazil, the Integrative and Complementary Practices (ICP) reached a greater visibility after the establishment of the National Policy on Integrative and Complementary Practices, in 2006. Nevertheless, there are still shortcomings in the general scenario of these practices. Thus, this study was aimed to analyze the implementation, access and use of ICP in the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) after the deployment of this policy. We performed an integrative literature review, guided by the question: “What is the current scenario ofimplementation, access and use of ICP in the scope of SUS?”, in the Virtual Health Library, the US National Library of Medicine and in the Web of Science, with the descriptors “Sistema Único de Saúde”/“Unified Health System” AND “TerapiasComplementares”/“Complementary Therapies”. The analysis of the papers gave rise to four categories for discussion: “The approach of ICP in SUS: main practices used”; “The access to ICP: Primary Health Care as a gateway”; “Current implementation scenario of ICP: the preparation of health services and professionals for executing ICP”; “Main advances in the use of ICP and future challenges”. We have observed that ICP are bashfully offered and that the data available are scarce, despite the positive impacts on users and services that have embraced their use.


Unified Health System; Complementary Therapies.


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Ruela, LO, Moura, CC, Gradim, CVC, Stefanello, J, Iunes, DH, Prado, RR. Implementation, access and use of integrative and complementary practices in the unified health system: Literature review.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/May). [Citado em 22/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/implementation-access-and-use-of-integrative-and-complementary-practices-in-the-unified-health-system-literature-review/16793?id=16793&id=16793

