0764/2013 - Influence of vocal and auditory senescent changes in quality of life of the active elderly.
Impacto das mudanças vocais e auditivas na qualidade de vida de idosos ativos.


• Julia Santos Costa Chiossi - Chiossi, J.S.C. - São Paulo, SP - Universidade Federal de São Paulo - <julinhascc@hotmail.com>


• FRANCELISE PIVETTA ROQUE - Roque, F.P. - MACEIÓ, ALAGOAS - Universidade Federal Fluminense - <franceliseroque@yahoo.com.br>
• Brasilia Maria Chiari - Chiari, B.M. - Universidade Federal de São Paulo - <chiaribra@uol.com.br>
• Barbara Niegia Garcia de Goulart - Goulart, B.N.G. - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - <bngoulart@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2502-5883

Thematic Area:

Saúde do Idoso


Purpose: Verify the elderly active perceived impact of vocal and auditory senescent changes in activities of daily living, and the influence of this perception in quality of life. Methodology: Conducted a cross-sectional design with 72 older adultsa Third Age Open University. The applied questionnaires were HHIE-S; VHI and WHOQoL-Old. Was used the Pearson correlation coefficient significant at the


activities of daily livingaginghearingquality of lifevoice


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Chiossi, J.S.C., Roque, F.P., Chiari, B.M., Goulart, B.N.G.. Influence of vocal and auditory senescent changes in quality of life of the active elderly.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2013/May). [Citado em 21/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/influence-of-vocal-and-auditory-senescent-changes-in-quality-of-life-of-the-active-elderly/13036?id=13036

