0392/2008 - Informality portraits: The fragility of social protectionist systems in misfortune situations
Retratos da informalidade: a fragilidade dos sistemas de proteção social em momentos de infortúnio
• Fernanda Flávia Cockell - Cockell, F.F. - São Carlos, São Paulo - Universidade Federal de São Carlos - <fercockell@yahoo.com.br>Thematic Area:
Não CategorizadoAbstract:
The research has as objective to study the strategies and social networks used by informal workers in misfortune situations. We interviewed sixteen workers of the buildings’ construction sector of São Carlos-SP. We tried to understand how they deal with working capacity reduction inside precariousness context and how they perceive these situations. The qualitative analyses show that most of them have financial difficulties to acquire private forms of protection. We could infer that informal social networks are essential for them deal to periods of working incapacity. Moreover the nuclear and extended family supports and religious networks are predominating.Keywords: Informality, social networks, social protection, misfortune, working incapacity.