0768/2008 - Iniciação sexual de homens adolescentes


• Daniela Gubert - Daniela Gubert - Quilombo, Santa Catarina - Universidade do Contestado - UnC - <danielagubert@gmail.com>

Thematic Area:

Não Categorizado


This quantitative study aimed to investigate the onset of sexual activity of male adolescents from Concordia, A total of 340 14-19-year-old male adolescents secondary education in six urban schools that accepted to answer the questionnaire and whose parents signed the authorization. 69,7% had already had and the mean age at the first sexual relation was 14,4, lower than national average of 15. The first sexual relation occurred with a date by 45,1% and 64,2% affirmed that the main reason to have it was desire/excitation. Most of adolescents (74,2%) valued the experience as good or very good. Condon was the contraceptive method used at first sexual relation by 73,8% and in all others relations by 72,5%. Some adolescents don’t talk about sexuality, but the main source of information about sex was friends. This data show the importance or the work on prevention of STD/AIDS and pregnancy developed in the last decades, what is showed by the expressive condon use among the participants.
Keywords: adolescent man, sexuality, sexual debut


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