0827/2008 - Is violence man‘s thing? The \"naturalization\" of the violence for young men.
Violência é coisa de homem? A “naturalização” da violência nas falas de homens jovens.
• Elaine Ferreira do Nascimento - Nascimento, EF - Niterói, Rio de Janeiro - Instituto Fernades Figueira/ Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - <elaine@iff.fiocruz.br>Thematic Area:
Não CategorizadoAbstract:
The study aims to analyze the young men‘s senses attributed to the relation masculinity-violence. The methodology of this study bases on a qualitative approach, in that it tried to understand and situate the underlying senses to the speeches of the investigated subjects, with 19 young men of popular segments of the city of Rio de Janeiro (RJ). The data of the research revealed that, in general, the relation masculinity-violence-youth can be a vulnerability factor. It is ended that so that another glance is had on that model, it makes himself necessary the adoption of strategies that facilitate other ways to experience to be man, that invest in a perspective of taking care of itself and of the other ones, turning the healthiest relationships and with less risks.Word-key: masculinity, violence and youth