0058/2022 - Jurujuba´s lazarette in the 19th century Rio de Janeiro press: “a better place to spread fishing nets than to found such an establishment”.
O Lazareto da Jurujuba na imprensa do Rio de Janeiro oitocentista: “logar mais proprio para estender redes de pescarias que para fundar-se um tal estabelecimento”


• Maria Rachel Froes da Fonseca - Fonseca, M. R. F. - <rachel.froes@fiocruz.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0865-2436


In the second half of the 19th century, the press expanded and reached a wide range of themes and audiences, and consisted of daily newspapers, which were especially dedicated to the daily life of the city, and scientific-literary magazines, which published texts on different themes, such as literature, biography, science and education. In the pages of the numerous periodicals that circulated in Rio de Janeiro, both the so-called daily newspapers and the scientific-literary periodicals, there was a great interest in the themes of hygiene, salubrity, the yellow fever epidemic, hygiene and the performance of doctors. Among these sanitary measures adopted, on January 1, 1851, under the guidance of Francisco de Paula Cândido, president of the Junta de Higiene Pública, a lazarette for about 30 sick people was installed in a rented house on the Caju peninsula, in Saco da Jurujuba, in Niterói, in the province of Rio de Janeiro, and then called Lazareto da Jurujuba. In this study, we sought to analyze the content of articles and announcements about the sanitary conditions and measures in Rio de Janeiro, especially about the creation of the Lazareto da Jurujuba, published in daily newspapers, in the non-specialized press, such as Diario do Rio de Janeiro, Correio Mercantil, Correio da Tarde, and Jornal do Commercio.


History of health-Brazil; Periodical press-Brazil; Jurujuba´s lazarette


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Fonseca, M. R. F.. Jurujuba´s lazarette in the 19th century Rio de Janeiro press: “a better place to spread fishing nets than to found such an establishment”.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2022/Apr). [Citado em 22/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/jurujubas-lazarette-in-the-19th-century-rio-de-janeiro-press-a-better-place-to-spread-fishing-nets-than-to-found-such-an-establishment/18314?id=18314&id=18314

