0832/2007 - Knowledge of Health Professionals about the Rights of Hospitalized Children: An exploratory study
Conhecimento dos Profissionais de Saúde sobre os Direitos da Criança Hospitalizada: um estudo exploratório


• Ilvana Lima Verde Gomes - Gomes, I.L.V. - Fortaleza, Ceará - Universidade Estadual do Ceará - <ilverde@uol.com.br>

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Along the years, the rights of children and adolescents including those related to hospital context have been proclaimed in Brazil. The low level knowledge about the rights by health professionals can be a factor that contributesto that non observance. In this paper, we tried to understand how health professionals who deal with interned children on a daily basis perceive children’s rights and those of their families. The research of descriptive aspect with qualitative analysis using semi-structured interviews. Eleven interviews have been carried out with health professionals of a pediatrics hospital in the capital city of Fortaleza, State of Ceará in 2006. The analysis of data happened after a process of multiple readings and these were interpreted with the reference regarding the elaborated topics. Based on the analysis two themes have resulted: Knowledge of children’s rights by the multi-professional team and Guarantee of children’s rights. We can conclude that health professionals know children’s rights partially, especially those rights contained in the ECA (Children and Adolescent’s Statute), with a tendency to see mainly those rights which were limited to their professional category: the guarantee of children’s rights is one of the objectives of the hospital and a desire of almost all professionals.

Keywords: Child, Hospitalized; Child Advocacy; Health Personnel.


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Gomes, I.L.V.. Knowledge of Health Professionals about the Rights of Hospitalized Children: An exploratory study. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2008/Aug). [Citado em 22/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/knowledge-of-health-professionals-about-the-rights-of-hospitalized-children-an-exploratory-study/2623?id=2623&id=2623

