0382/2017 - Legislative vulnerability of minority groups.
Vulnerabilidade legislativa de grupos minoritários.


• Carlos Eduardo Artiaga Paula - Paula, CEA - <carlosedart@gmail.com>


• Ana Paula da Silva - Silva, AP - <annap95755@hotmail.com>
• Cléria Maria Lobo Bittar - Bittar, C.M.L - <cleria@unifran.br>


Minorities are in an inferior position in society and therefore vulnerable in many aspects. This study analyzes legislative vulnerability and aims to categorize as “weak” or “strong” the protection conferred by law to the following minorities: elderly, disabled, LGBT, Indians, women, children/ adolescents and black people. In order to do so, it was developed a documental research in 30 federal laws in which legal provisions were searched to protect minorities. Next, the articles were organized in the following categories: civil, criminal, administrative, labor and procedural, to be analyzed afterwards. Legal protection was considered “strong” when there were legal provisions that observed the five categories and “weak” when it did not meet this criterion. It was noted that six groups have “strong” legislative protection, which elides the assertion that minorities are outside the law. The exception is the LGBT group, whose legislative protection is weak. In addition, consecrating rights through laws strengthens the institutional channels for minorities to demand their rights. Finally, it was observed that the legislative protection granted to minorities is not homogeneous but rather discriminatory, and there is an interference by the majority group in the rights regulation of vulnerable groups.


vulnerability analysis - legislation as topic.


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