1227/2008 - Lifes style and risk factors associated to body fat increase of women
Estilo de vida e fatores de risco associados ao aumento da gordura corporal de mulheres
• Carlos Alexandre Fett - Carlos Alexandre Fett - Cuyiabá, MT - Faculdade de Educação Física da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso - <cafett@hotmail.com>Thematic Area:
Não CategorizadoAbstract:
Abstract The purpose of this study was observe the relation of life style and metabolic syndrome (MS) overweight/obese women. Were evaluated 50 women (body mass index, BMI=31±6, kg/m2; age=36±11 years old); clinical examination, blood biochemistry, nutritional evaluation and nitrogen balance (NB). Was calculated the probability (Odds, %) and Pearson linear correlation. Odds: development of obesity: adulthood 42%, pregnancy 35%, teenage 32%, after 40 years old 8% and after married 8%; have one or more family member obese 316%; to present: anxiety 150%, depression 13%, compulsion 52%, sleep disturbance 47%, back pain 108%, knee pain 52%, dyslipidemia 28%, hypertension 25% and glucose >100 mg/dL 35%; 50% of them ingest 500 ml/day of coffee, and 24% of milk; 25% had MS and was associated to: waist to hip ratio (r=0,27; P=0,076), BMI (r=0,51; P=0,000), age (r=0,40; P=0,008), neck circumference (r=0,37; P=0,014), triceps skin fold (r=0,41; P=0,006), and, abdomen skin fold (r=0,49; P=0,001). Was reported hypocaloric diet, but, the NB was positive. Ambient factors and genetics should be contributed to obesity of these women. The anxiety and physical discomfort seems to be caused strong influence should be receive attention to active life style.Key words: Metabolic Syndrome, Anxiety, Resting energy expenditure, Nitrogen Balance.