0345/2020 - Maternal indicators to monitor hospitals in the Rede Cegonha: a proposal
Indicadores maternos para monitorar hospitais da Rede Cegonha: uma proposta


• Adalberto Kiochi Aguemi - Aguemi, A.K. - <adalbertoaguemi@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4642-918X


The strategy of Rede Cegonha was launched in 2011 by the federal government to improve assistance to pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum and child development in the first two years of life, with the objectives of reducing maternal and child mortality, expanding the sexual and reproductive rights of women. We propose the addition of seven new maternal indicators to improve the evaluation of obstetric care in the next cycle. The new indicators are: use of the Robson classification to monitor cesarean rates, use of magnesium sulfate in cases of pre-eclampsia / eclampsia, use of calcium supplements by pregnant women, blood transfusions and hysterectomy in childbirth / puerperium, management puerperal sepsis, IUD ions in the postpartum / postabortion period and continuing education of obstetricians. These are based on robust scientific evidence and can help reduce unnecessary cesarean sections, prevent maternal deaths and future unplanned pregnancies.


Maternal and Child, Health Services Maternities, Health Evaluation


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