0129/2024 - Mental health in the Tupinambá community of Serra do Padeiro, southern Bahia: community and struggle as sources of health
Saúde mental na comunidade Tupinambá da Serra do Padeiro, sul da Bahia: comunidade e luta como fontes de saúde


• Leonardo José de Alencar Mendes - Mendes, L. J. A. - <leo_brak@hotmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0001-7954-5323


• István Van Deursen Varga - Varga, I. V. D. - <istvan.varga@ufma.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3171-1748
• Mônica de Oliveira Nunes de Torrenté - de Torrenté, M. de O. N. - <monicatorrente11@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5905-4199


This work presents concepts and practices linked to mental health in the Tupinambá indige-nous community of Serra do Padeiro, in southern Bahia. Qualitative research, using the cartog-raphy method to map existing processes and relationships in the Tupinambá territory. Partici-pant observation, semi-structured interviews, field diary and bibliographic studies were the data production techniques. Shared responsibility characterizes the way in which indigenous medicine care is organized in the territory. The factors that produce psychosocial suffering, care practices and conflict coping are understoodthe interactions between indigenous and non-indigenous ways of care. The inseparability between psychic and social is combined with territorial dimensions, reinforcing the link between mental health and daily community life. The struggle for territory enables the reconstruction of a subjective ethos that refuses ser-vitude, movingprevious conditions of precariousness and subalternization, with expul-sionthe territory, to other more autonomous and collective processes of subjectivation. The example of Serra do Padei-ro helps to highlight that the greatest health, which gives, is the fight.


Mental Health; Indigenous Populations; Ethnic Violence; Social Cohesion.


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Mendes, L. J. A., Varga, I. V. D., de Torrenté, M. de O. N.. Mental health in the Tupinambá community of Serra do Padeiro, southern Bahia: community and struggle as sources of health. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2024/Apr). [Citado em 27/12/2024]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/mental-health-in-the-tupinamba-community-of-serra-do-padeiro-southern-bahia-community-and-struggle-as-sources-of-health/19177?id=19177

