0018/2018 - More Doctor Program: Panorama of Scientific Production.
Programa Mais Médicos: Panorama da Produção Científica.


• Elisandréa Sguario Kemper - Kemper, ES - <elisaskemper@gmail.com>


• Ana Valéria Machado Mendonça - Mendonça, A.V.M. - <valeriamendonca@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1879-5433
• Maria Fátima de Sousa - Sousa, M.F - <mariafatimasousa09@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6949-9194


In spite of the progress achieved by the Primary Health Care and Family Health Strategy in the SUS, there remain still challenges with regard to the universal access and quality of services, having as one of the factors the unequal distribution of doctors. The Brazilian Government proposed the More Doctors Program (Programa Mais Médicos), in order to advance the provision, fixing and training of the doctors in the SUS. This study consists of a literature review of the More Doctors Program, in order to map and scale the scientific production about the Program, as well as summarize the findings and present the resultsanalysis. Were ed 54 publications, which evaluate the Program in terms of effectiveness, analysis of the implementation process, analysis of the media and the speeches of the actors, training and constitutional analysis. Were also systematized the criticisms and limitations found. With respect to the analysis, in general, evaluations of the Program are positive, showing important changes in the work processes. Highlighted are the studies that show the Program as an important instrument for the effective implementation of the right to health.


Primary Health Care; More Doctors Program; Access; Universal Coverage


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