0761/2007 - Neonatal Screening – The Challenge of an Universal and Effective Coverage
Triagem Neonatal - O Desafio de uma Cobertura Universal e Efetiva


• Judy Botler - Botler, J. - RIO DE JANEIRO, RJ - Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca - FIOCRUZ - <jbotler@attglobal.net>

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Newborn screening programs (NSP) aim to detect carriers of several congenital diseases among asymptomatic infants in order to warrant effective intervention. Specimen collection is the first step of a process that should be done in a universal and timely manner. A review of coverage and time of collection was done in NSP of several countries. Methodology: Search was made in various sources, from 1998 to 2008, with “neonatal screening” and “coverage” as key-words. The lack of a typical study design did not lead to the rigor required for a systematic review. Data was grouped in macro-regions. Results: Canada had coverage of 71% in 2006. European coverage was of 69% in 2004, with data of 38 countries. In Asia and Pacific region, there was data of 19 countries. In Middle East and North Africa, there was data of 4 countries. In Latin America, coverage was 49% in 2005, with data of 14 countries. In Brazil, coverage was 80%. Twelve reports had information about timeliness. Conclusion: Epidemiological transition was determinant for NSP success. Developed regions had more universal and timelier collection. In Brazil, government initiative increased access to the NSP, but late collections lead to the need of educational actions and participation of professional organizations by specific guidelines definition. Key-words: Neonatal Screening – Coverage – Opportunity – Public Health Program


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