0505/2013 - nutritional status of beneficiaries of the ¨Bolsa Família¨ program in brazil - a systematic review
Estado nutricional dos beneficiários do Programa Bolsa Família no Brasil


• Miriam Regina Wolf - Wolf, M.R. - Blumenau, SC - mestra - <miriam.w@terra.com.br>


• Antonio de Azevedo Barros Filho - Barros Filho, A.A - Pós doutor - <abarros@fcm.unicamp.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6239-1121

Thematic Area:

Alimentação, Nutrição e Saúde


Various programs to combat malnutrition have been implemented over the years in Brazil. Since 2001, it is the Bolsa Família Program (BFP) this responsibility.
Despite the expansion of PBF are still low valuations considering the advances and challenges to be faced as well as the impacts on health and nutrition. Although the monitoring of nutritional status is one of the conditionalities for the maintenance of the receipt of the benefit, when searching for this data, there is great difficulty in obtaining them.
The aim of this systematic review is to obtain information of the nutritional status of the beneficiaries of the PBF, to meet the national reality with regard to this situation, and assess whether the program had an impact on the nutritional status of the population served.


nutritional assessment anthropometry nutritional status food and nutrition security


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Wolf, M.R., Barros Filho, A.A. nutritional status of beneficiaries of the ¨Bolsa Família¨ program in brazil - a systematic review. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2013/Apr). [Citado em 21/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/nutritional-status-of-beneficiaries-of-the-umlbolsa-famiacuteliauml-program-in-brazil-a-systematic-review/12707?id=12707

