0061/2007 - O hospital e a formação em saúde: desafios atuais
• Laura Camargo Macruz Feuerwerker - Laura Camargo Macruz Feuerwerker - Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro - Universidade Federal Fluminense - <laura.macruz@uol.com>Thematic Area:
Não CategorizadoAbstract:
Both the role of hospitals in health professionals education and hospital’s needs in terms of professionals for health care and hospital management are changing as health systems move towards quality, comprehensiveness, efficiency and costs control. The article intends to analyze dilemmas and challenges in each of these fields, acknowledging hospitals’ complexity, their critical role on healthcare delivery and their deep involvement in the hegemonic orientation for health education and practice.Key words: de-hospitalization, comprehensive healthcare, work in health, meaningful learning, learning scenarios diversification, complex organizations management.