0083/2018 - O Uso de dados de satélite para estudar a relação entre chuva e doenças diarreicas em uma bacia na Amazônia Sul-Ocidental.
Using satellite data to study the relationship between rainfall and diarrheal diseases in a Southwestern Amazon basin .


• Paula Andrea Morelli Fonseca - Fonseca, PAM - <pamorellifonseca@gmail.com>


• Sandra S. Hacon - Hacon, SS - <sandrahacon@gmail.com>
• Vera L. Reis - Reis, VL - <vlreis.ac@uol.com.br>
• Duarte Costa - Costa, D - <d.costa@exeter.ac.uk>
• I. Foster Brown - Brown, IF - <fbrown@uol.com.br>


The North region is the second region in Brazil with the highest incidence rate of diarrheal diseases in children under 5 years old. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between rainfall and water level during the rainy season mainly with the incidence rate of this disease in a southwestern Amazon basin. Rainfall estimates and the water level were correlated between each other and both of them were correlated to the diarrheal incidence rate. For the Alto Acre region, 2 to 3 days’ time-lag is the best interval to observe the impact of the rainfall in the water level (R=0.35). In the Baixo Acre region this time-lag increased (4 days) and a slightly reduction in the correlation value was found. The correlation between rainfall and diarrheal disease was better in the Baixo Acre region (Acrelândia, R=0.7) and rainfall upstream the city. And between water level and diarrheal disease, the best results were found for the Brasiléia gauging station (Brasiléia, R=0.3; Epitaciolândia, R=0.5). These study\'s results may support planning and financial resources allocation to prioritize actions for local Civil Defense and health care services before, during and after the rainy season.


infant diarrhea, rainy season, remote sensing, environmental health surveillance, Brazilian Amazon


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Fonseca, PAM, Hacon, SS, Reis, VL, Costa, D, Brown, IF. O Uso de dados de satélite para estudar a relação entre chuva e doenças diarreicas em uma bacia na Amazônia Sul-Ocidental.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/Feb). [Citado em 21/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/o-uso-de-dados-de-satelite-para-estudar-a-relacao-entre-chuva-e-doencas-diarreicas-em-uma-bacia-na-amazonia-sulocidental/16616?id=16616

