0333/2007 - Obesity among poor people in Brazil: The female vulnerability.
Obesidade entre os pobres no Brasil: a vulnerabilidade feminina.
• VANESSA ALVES FERREIRA - Ferreira, V.A. - Diamantina, MG - UFVJM - <vanessa.nutr@gmail.com>Thematic Area:
Não CategorizadoAbstract:
AbstractIn Brazil the obesity increase among women REPLACEed in small percentis of income has been emphasized as a priority theme for the public health field nowadays. The concern about future repercussion of obesity in less benefited groups impose a theoretical deepenment and a public politics delineation of prevention and combat the illness in these segments. In this view, the point of this work is to discuss some explanatory hypothesis for the obesity evolution phenomenon among the female poor people in Brazil. Biological, socioeconomical and cultural factors seems to interect in the female obesity dynamic in the poverty showing the complexity of this problem. Public politics of job creation, social inclusion and equality in a work area among kinds seems to us more promising ways to face the obesity among poor women in the country.
Key words: Obesity, poverty, women, public health.