0567/2008 - Orofacial aspects of childhood abuse and dental neglect
Aspectos orofaciais dos maus-tratos infantis e da negligência odontológica


• Andreza Cristina de Lima Targino Massoni - Massoni, A.C.L.T - Santo Antônio, PB - Facudade de Odontologia de Pernambuco / Universidade de Pernambuco - <andrezatargino@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3332-8315

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The aim of this paper was to identify the main oral and dental aspects of childhood abuse and dental neglect, contributing to the identification of these victims in the dental office. A bibliographic research was carried out, in ADOLEC, MEDLINE, LILACS and BBO databases. The following key words were used: child abuse, oral manifestations, dentists; role; liability, legal. It was verified that violence against children happens in general at home and the resulting orofacial injuries encompass: injuries, burns and lacerations on soft and hard tissues, bite marks and gradually-healed wounds. It can have wounds in other parts of the body next to the oral cavity, such as periorbital wound and nasal injury. Regarding sexual abuse, many victims do not present any associated physic signs; therefore, behavioral indicators must be observed. The immediate recognition and report of childhood abuse and dental neglect by surgeon-dentist are essential for children protection. Therefore, it is critical to define more effective action from those professionals, by registration and denunciation of suspect cases to child protection agencies.
Keywords: child abuse; oral manifestations; dentists; role; liability, legal.


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