0262/2021 - People living with HTLV: meanings of the illness, experience of illness and its relationship with work
Pessoas vivendo com HTLV: sentidos da enfermidade, experiência do adoecimento e suas relações com o trabalho


• Maria Clara Leal Teixeira - Teixeira, M. C. L. - <claralealtx@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3169-2607


• Élida Azevedo Hennington - Hennington, E. A. - <elida.hennington@ensp.fiocruz.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5280-8827


It is estimated a prevalence of 2.5 million people infected by the human T-cell lymphotropic virus in Brazil, affecting mainly afro-descendant populations with low socioeconomic status. This article presents part of the results of a research that aimed to understand the illness experience of people living with HTLV, the ways of going about life and the relationships with work. Thirtyonesemi-structured interviews wereconductedwithusersofaninfectiousdiseaseresearchinstitute. The oral narratives constituted the corpus that was analyzed using the Sketch Engine software. Discourse analysis used referencesSocial Sciences, with emphasis on the health-work relationship. The manifestations of HTLV cause functional impairment and influence the living standards, with repercussions on formal, informal and domestic work. The narratives showed complaints of physical symptoms and other related health problems, in addition to prejudice, lack of family support and expressiverepercussions on work, issues aggravated by the absence of public policies aimed at people living with HTLV. The material, symbolic and subjective conditions caused by the progressive loss of physical capacity and early retirement affect not only the physical sphere, but also the psychic and social one. A better understanding of the patient\'s condition and needs can contribute to the provision of comprehensive and effective care by health services and to the development of public policies and defense of rights.


HTLV, Illness Experience, Discourse Analysis, Qualitative Research, Occupational Health


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Teixeira, M. C. L., Hennington, E. A.. People living with HTLV: meanings of the illness, experience of illness and its relationship with work. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2021/Jul). [Citado em 22/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/people-living-with-htlv-meanings-of-the-illness-experience-of-illness-and-its-relationship-with-work/18161?id=18161&id=18161

