0022/2018 - Percepção de usuários sobre o projeto mais médicos no município de mossoró.


• Tiago Rodrigues Bento da Silva - Silva, TRB - <tiagosolanea@hotmail.com>


• Jennifer do Vale e Silva - VALE E SILVA, J. - <jennifer_vale@hotmail.com>
• Andrezza Graziella Veríssimo Pontes - PONTES, A.G.V. - Mossoró, RN - <andrezzagazi@hotmail.com>
• Andrea Taborda Ribas da Cunha - Cunha, ATR - <andreacunha2003@yahoo.com>


Strategy (FHS) in areas work doctors of the project. Users positively see the MMBP because it have expanded access to health care, although the remaining of organizational and technical barriers that limit the use of services. The performance of foreigners doctors was evaluated, with an emphasis on the humanized doctor-user relationship, characterized by listening, attention and dialogue. About communication with these professionals, users refer the language as a barrier that was ameliorated by the use of communication strategies of the FHS. The MMBP offered quick and satisfactory resolution to the historical problem of the access difficulty to physicians in Brazil. However, the effectiveness of the Brazilian health system requires overcoming weaknesses such as access to specialized services, organizational problems and service production models centered on the disease.


Primary Helath Care; Health Policy; Medical Care; Human Resources; Personnel Management.


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Silva, TRB, VALE E SILVA, J., PONTES, A.G.V., Cunha, ATR. Percepção de usuários sobre o projeto mais médicos no município de mossoró.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/Jan). [Citado em 21/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/percepcao-de-usuarios-sobre-o-projeto-mais-medicos-no-municipio-de-mossoro/16555?id=16555

