0547/2016 - Perceptions of State health managers about the Organizational Contract of the Public Health Action in Ceará, Brazil.
Percepções de gestores estaduais da saúde sobre o Contrato Organizativo da Ação Pública da Saúde no Ceará, Brasil.


• Neusa Goya - Goya, N. - Fortaleza, CE - Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal do Ceara, ´Departamento de Saúde Comunitária - <neusagoya@gmail.com>


• Ivana Cristina de Holanda Cunha Barreto - Barreto, Ivana Cristina de Holanda Cunha - Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz, Unidade do Ceará - <ivana_barreto@yahoo.com.br, ivana.barreto@fiocruz.br.>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8447-3654
• Fábio Solon Tajra - Tajra, Fábio Solon - Universidade Federal do Piaui, Medicina Comunitária - <fstajra@hotmail.com>
• Ricardo José Soares Pontes - PONTES, RJS. - Universidade Federal do Ceará – UFC, Saúde Comunitária - <rjpontes@fortalnet.com.br >
• Luiz Odorico Monteiro de Andrade - Andrade, L.O.M - Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Saúde Comunitária - <odorico.monteiro@fiocruz.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3335-0619

Thematic Area:

Não Categorizado


The Organizational Contract for Public Action in Health (COAP), legal instrument adopted in Decree 7,508 / 2011, aimed to seal sanitary agreements between the federal entities in the management of the Health Region. A qualitative research was conducted with hermeneutic framework to understand the perceptions of Ceará, Brazil, State health managers on the production and effects of the state COAP experience. To do this, open interviews and document analysis were used. It was observed strengthening of regionalization within the government, in addition to obtaining institutional products and transparency of budgetary and financial resources. (Re) visited to problems such as low institutionality of networking and the state‘s ability to regulate and underfunding. The regional governance became restricted to government-centered state entity and predominance of hierarchical bureaucratic. The COAP inaugurated a Regionalization Contract Interfederativa despite low institutions in the SUS and inability to achieve its principles related to lack of face to structural problems in triune cooperation.


Unified Health SystemPublic Health PolicyRegional Health Planning


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Goya, N., Barreto, Ivana Cristina de Holanda Cunha, Tajra, Fábio Solon, PONTES, RJS., Andrade, L.O.M. Perceptions of State health managers about the Organizational Contract of the Public Health Action in Ceará, Brazil.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/Nov). [Citado em 22/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/perceptions-of-state-health-managers-about-the-organizational-contract-of-the-public-health-action-in-ceara-brazil/15973?id=15973&id=15973

