0826/2008 - Perceptions on quality of services that attend to women‘s health
Percepções sobre qualidade de serviços que atendem à saúde da mulher


• Christiane Santiago Maia - Maia, C. S. - Brasília, DF - Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde. Universidade de Brasília. Assessoria de Planejamento. Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária. - <csmaia2@gmail.com>

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The objective of this study is to identify characteristics of quality of services that attend women’s health in the professionals of health surveillance (VISA) and coordinators of women's health (CWH) perspective working at municipalities. It’s a study with a qualitative approach that was carried out using semi-structured interviews. Three capital cities from Brazil were selected and three people of each capital city were interviewed – one responsible and one worker of health services VISA and one CWH. The content analysis was adopted and the answers were grouped into the health service evaluation topics mentioned by Donabedian (structure, processes, and outcomes) to organize the data. VISA workers reported more frequently aspects related to the structure of health services such as equipment and qualified human resources. VISA responsible mentioned aspects related to structure and processes, as prioritization in attendance. The CWH approached the three categories, focusing on the processes. Analysis of interviews point to a possible injury in assessing the results evaluation. The study reinforces the necessity for joint action among the surveillance and assistance to improve the quality of these services.
Key words: quality of health care, health surveillance, women's health


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