0510/2007 - Physical activity and quality of life
Atividade Física e Qualidade de vida
• Rodrigo Sinnott Silva - Rodrigo Sinnott Silva - Pelotas, RS - Universidade Católica de Pelotas - <rodrigo.ss.79@hotmail.com>Thematic Area:
Não CategorizadoAbstract:
It is given credit the physical activity as a form to restore the health of the harmful effect that the stressing routine of the work/study brings. The study it constitutes a transversal research whose objective is to analyze the associations of the practical of exercises activities in the quality of life of the individuals. The sample was 107 professors, 111 employees and 638 students of the Universidade Católica de Pelotas UCPEL-RS, totalizing 863 participants. They had been used as instruments the WHOQOL-brief/OMS to evaluate quality of life and Questionnaire of habitual physical activities translated and modified by Nahas - NuPAF/UFSC, 2001. Of the total, 394 are of masculine sex and 469 of the feminine sex. Of these, 313 are moderately active, 210 inactive, 207 active and 136 are very active. Its quality of life can be observed that, on average, the more active the person is, better. Moreover, amongst the differences in the quality of life of people who practice physical activities compare with those who don’t practice, are not only the aspects of physical health, but also psychological and cognitive aspects. These results provide stimulus to professionals of different areas to encourage and to support the definition of a routine of physical activities for its patients.Key word Quality of life; Physical activity; Physical activity and quality of life; Exercises