0022/2013 - Physical activity, sedentary behaviors and quality of life in undergraduate adolescents of Ciudad Guzman, state of Jalisco, Mexico
Actividad física, conductas sedentarias y calidad de vida en adolescentes universitarios de Ciudad Guzmán, Jalisco, México


• Carlos Alejandro Hidalgo Rasmussen - Hidalgo-Rasmussen, C. - Cd. Guzmán, Outro País/Another Country - Universidad de Guadalajara; Universidad de Playa Ancha - <chidalgor@outlook.com>


• Alfredo Hidalgo San Martìn - Hidalgo-San Martín A - Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social - <ahidalgosm@hotmail.com>
• Guadalupe Ramírez López - Ramírez-López G - Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social - <ramilope@yahoo.com>

Thematic Area:

Saúde da Criança e do Adolescente


With the aim of evaluating the association between physical activity and sedentary behaviors with quality of life (QoL) in undergraduate students of Ciudad Guzman, state of Jalisco, Mexico, a total of 881 adolescents aged 17-19 years were studied. Online questionnaires were used: Youth Quality of Life Instrument Research version and Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Odd ratios (OR) were obtained using simple and multivariate logistic regression analysis. Days with physical activity were related with a high total perceptual score (4-6 days; OR =1.69), and high general QoL domain (7 days; OR =2.51), self domain (4-6 days; OR =1.82) as well as environment domain (1-3 days; OR =1.78 and 7 days; OR =2.41). Playing in &#8805; 2 sports teams was related with high total perceptual score (OR =2.63) and high general QoL (OR =2.08), self (OR =2.65), environment (OR =1.66) domains. Having 4-5 physical education classes/week was related with high general QoL domain (OR =2.45). Sedentary activities &#8804; 2 hours/day was related with high relationship domain (OR =1.40). In conclusion, in Mexican pregraduate adolescent students, a higher QoL was associated with: realize physical activity at least 4 days/week; assist to physical education classes 4 or more days/week; play in 2 or more sports teams and limit leisure screen time to 2 hours or less.


Physical activity Sedentary Quality of life Adolescent behaviors YQOL-R Students


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Hidalgo-Rasmussen, C., Hidalgo-San Martín A, Ramírez-López G. Physical activity, sedentary behaviors and quality of life in undergraduate adolescents of Ciudad Guzman, state of Jalisco, Mexico. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2013/Mar). [Citado em 22/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/physical-activity-sedentary-behaviors-and-quality-of-life-in-undergraduate-adolescents-of-ciudad-guzman-state-of-jalisco-mexico/12136?id=12136&id=12136

