0535/2007 - Pressure ulcer treatment cost evaluation in hospital patients using manufactured wound dresses
Avaliação do custo do tratamento de úlceras por pressão em pacientes hospitalizados usando curativos industrializados
• Angela Cristina Beck Lima - Beck, A.C - Recife, Pernambuco - SES PE - <beck.angela@hotmail.com>Thematic Area:
Não CategorizadoAbstract:
Pressure ulcer treatment cost evaluation in hospital patients using manufactured wound dressesNowadays Public Health Service has been experiencing a great increase in costs. But monetary resources don’t experience increases at the same magnitude. It’s necessary to make rational use of monetary resources in Public Health Services. This work made an evaluation of some wound dresses used at Hospital da Retauração: polyurethane wound dress, hydrogel wound dress, activated charcoal wound dress and also hydrogel with alginate flask used for pressure ulcer care in Neurosurgery Department of this hospital. The aim of this work was identify a critical factor that increases demand and cost of wound dresses. The first step of this search was retrospective to the year of 2005 and it was a consume stud. A second step of this evaluation was prospective. It was conducted in Neurosurgery Department to identify individuals at risk of pressure ulcer development. This evaluation was made in a population of 62 patients. The prevalence of pressure ulcer was 22, 6% and it’s related to Braden scale scores. The average daily cost of hospitalization increased as the stage of skin breakdown increased. Comparative evaluation between individuals that didn’t receive preventive measures and others that received, showed that the average daily cost of hospitalization for the first group was 45% major than the average for the second group. The Wilcoxon-Mann-Withiney test was used to compare the population at risk to develop pressure ulcer and population at low risk. It showed that the evaluation between groups of Braden Scale scores presents statistically significant differences, confidence limits of 95%, when these populations were compared. Pressure ulcer is a key quality indicator in health services.2 It’s possible to reduce costs and offer higher quality public health services if were implemented a training program of nursing staff using a preventive measure protocol based on a test to evaluate risk as Braden scale for example.
Keywords: Pressure ulcer. Prevention, Braden scale, wound dress, Prevalence.