1296/2011 - Prevalence and associated factors to intake of fruit and vegetable by adolescents of public schools from Caruaru, PE
Prevalência e fatores associados ao consumo de frutas, legumes e verduras entre adolescentes de escolas públicas de Caruaru, PE


• Ludmila Correa Muniz - Muniz, L.C - Pelotas, RS - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Epidemiologia, Universidade Federal de Pelotas - <ludmuniz@yahoo.com.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4270-7704


• Roberta de Vargas Zanino - Zanini, R.V. - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Epidemiologia, Universidade Federal de Pelotas - <robe.nutri@gmail.com>
• Bruna Celestino Schneider - Schneider, B.C. - Pelotas, RS - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Epidemiologia, Universidade Federal de Pelotas - <brucelsch@yahoo.com.br>
• Rafael Miranda Tassitano - Tassitano, R.M. - Recifee, PE - Departamento de Educação Física, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, PE - <rafael.tassitano@gmail.com>
• Wallacy Milton do Nascimento Feitosa - Feitosa, W.M.N - Associação Caruaruense de Ensino Superior (ASCES); Faculdade do Agreste de Pernambuco (FAAPE) - <wallacy.feitosa@gmail.com>
• David Alejandro González - González, D.A - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Nutrição, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, SC - <david.epidemio@gmail.com>

Thematic Area:

Alimentação, Nutrição e Saúde


It is a School-based cross-sectional study that evaluated the prevalence and associated factors of daily intake of fruits and vegetables by adolescents at public schools in Caruaru-PE. To assess the associated factors with fruit and vegetable intake was used Poisson regression with a hierarchical model, including sociodemographic variables in the first hierarchical level, behavioral variables in the second and diet-related variables in the third level. The results showed that from the 600 interviewed adolescents, 10% related never eat fruit and 30.7% mentioned not eating vegetables. Prevalence of fruits was 32.9% and vegetable daily intake, 29.0%. Only 6.5% of the adolescents reported to eat both kinds of food daily. Merely the daily vegetables intake showed a significant difference in according to sex (higher among girls). Fruit daily intake was 63% higher among adolescents living in urban areas. Not taking any alcohol was associated with higher fruits intake, but not to vegetables intake. Daily intake of fruits and vegetables was 2.4 times higher among the adolescents who daily consumption rice and beans. Fruits and vegetables daily intake among adolescents in Caruaru is below the recommendations, and was associated with gender, residence area, consumption of alcoholic beverages and consumption of rice and beans.


Food consumption Fruits Vegetables Adolescent


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Muniz, L.C, Zanini, R.V., Schneider, B.C., Tassitano, R.M., Feitosa, W.M.N, González, D.A. Prevalence and associated factors to intake of fruit and vegetable by adolescents of public schools from Caruaru, PE. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2011/Sep). [Citado em 21/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/prevalence-and-associated-factors-to-intake-of-fruit-and-vegetable-by-adolescents-of-public-schools-from-caruaru-pe/8433?id=8433

