0252/2021 - Professional practices in workerhealth in PrimaryCare: challenges for implementingpublicpolicies
Práticas profissionais em saúde do trabalhador na Atenção Primária: desafios para implementação de políticas públicas


• Deiviane Pereira da Silva - da Silva, D. P. - <deivianesilva@yahoo.com.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0243-1878


• Ronilson Ferreira Freitas - Freitas, R. F. - <ronnypharmacia@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9592-1774
• Lucas Faustino de Souza - de Souza, L. F. - <lucasfaustino02@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2565-1080
• Nadine Antunes Teixeira - Teixeira, N. A. - <nadineateixeira@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7875-2921
• Elizabeth Costa Dias - Dias, E. C. - <https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1708-1014>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1708-1014
• Josiane Santos Brant Rocha - Rocha, J. S. B. - <josianenat@yahoo.com.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7317-3880


They were analyzed as Occupational Health actions developed by Primary Care teams in a medium-sized municipality in a cross-section alanalytical study. A questionnaire containing 35 questions was used, distributed in four blocks, answered by 289 health professionals. The results were achieved according to the distribution of absolute and relative frequencies with the chi-square test, at the significance level of 0.05. The results showed that they are recognized as productive activities developed in the territory as well as the epidemiological profile of the working population living in their area of coverage, however, they were not identified as interventions guided by this diagnosis. It was observed that, among the professionals, the doctor more frequently identifies the epidemiological profile of the workers and the nurse stands out in the surveillance of the diseases and in the technical-pedagogical support for the development of Occupational Health actions. Based on the findings, it was observed that teams find it difficult to incorporate Occupational Health actions in the planning of daily activities in their praxis, suggesting the need for professional qualification and pedagogical and institutional technical support by specialized skills.


Occupational Health. Primary Health Care. SurveillanceoftheWorkers Health.


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da Silva, D. P., Freitas, R. F., de Souza, L. F., Teixeira, N. A., Dias, E. C., Rocha, J. S. B.. Professional practices in workerhealth in PrimaryCare: challenges for implementingpublicpolicies. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2021/Jul). [Citado em 21/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/professional-practices-in-workerhealth-in-primarycare-challenges-for-implementingpublicpolicies/18151?id=18151

