0489/2013 - Profile of food handlers in home.
Perfil de manipuladores de alimentos em domicílios.
• Barbara Cecconi Deon - Deon, B.C. - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - <bcdeon@hotmail.com>Co-author(s):
• Laissa Benites Medeiros - Medeiros, L.B - Santa Maria, RS - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - <laissa_medeiros_1@hotmail.com>• Luisa Helena Hecktheuer - Hecktheuer, L.H - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - <luirh@hotmail.com>
• Ana Lúcia de Freitas Saccol - Saccol, A.L.F - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - <alsaccol@yahoo.com.br>
Thematic Area:
Alimentação, Nutrição e SaúdeAbstract:
Objective: To diagnose the profile of food handlers in the households of the city of Santa Maria (RS).Material and Methods: Through geographical division of the city, a sample of 15 households per neighborhood was given, totaling 615 households. For the diagnosis of the profile of handlers in the households, a questionnaire was made, containing 6 open questions and 13 closed questions related to personal data including gender, marital status, education, occupation and monthly income, as well as issues such as the frequency that people prepare meals in the households and satisfaction of preparing them; participation in courses and their perception of food safety.
Results: 92.5% of the handlers were female, 52.2% had complete or incomplete primary school and 35.4% had monthly income between 3 and 9 times the minimum wage. Among the interviewed, 82.6% reported that they prepare meals every day of the week and 77.9% reported that they never had problems caused by the food produced at home.
Conclusion: It is important to evaluate the profile of food handlers in the households, because this way it is possible to develop strategies to prevent or decrease foodborne illness.