0445/2009 - Promotion of Mental Health – Technologies for the care: emotional involvement, welcoming, co-responsibility and autonomy
Promoção da Saúde Mental – Tecnologias do Cuidado: vínculo, acolhimento, co-responsabilização e autonomia


• Maria Salete Bessa Jorge - JORGE, M.S.B. - Fortaleza, Ceará - Universidade Estadual do Ceará - <masabejo@bol.com.br>

Thematic Area:

Não Categorizado


The relations of care function as efficient devices to promotion of mental health and to development of full practices. This study aimed to analyze the devices that make possible the care in mental health in a Psychosocial Center Attention (CAPS) quotidian. This is a qualitative research of critical and reflexive approach done in CAPS of municipal of Sobral-CE. According to what was demanded, the study was submitted to analysis of Ethics Board in Research fitting to rules of research involving human beings. To collect data, done in the period of may to july 2008, were used the techniques of interview semi-structured and systematic observation. The subjects of research were 20 people, distributed into three groups: group I (workers of mental health-8); group II (users-7) and group III (relatives of users-5). The material was organized and analyzed by assumptions of critical hermeneutics. According to the results, in quotidian of CAPS, the relations of care and its devices (welcoming, link, co-responsabilization and autonomy) make possible the transversalization of psychosocial practice. The dialogues were built in meeting of workers of mental health, users and relatives in search of solution of attention to health.
Key words: Mental Health, Promotion of Health, Care


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JORGE, M.S.B.. Promotion of Mental Health – Technologies for the care: emotional involvement, welcoming, co-responsibility and autonomy. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2009/Sep). [Citado em 27/09/2024]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/promotion-of-mental-health-technologies-for-the-care-emotional-involvement-welcoming-coresponsibility-and-autonomy/4447?id=4447

