0103/2018 - Psychosocial care and health care for homeless population: An integrative review.
Atenção psicossocial e o cuidado em saúde à população em situação de rua: Uma revisão integrativa.


• Lívia Bustamante van Wijk - Van Wijk, LB - <livia_bustamante@yahoo.com.br>


• Elisabete Ferreira Mângia - Mângia, E.F. - <mangeli@usp.br>


Homeless population has health and mental health demands and is exposed to conditions that produces vulnerabilities, premature mortality, high difficulty access to basic services and requires intersectoral actions. Outreach Clinics on the Streets are components of Basic Health of mental health services network and make an important role on heath care to this group. The goals of this integrative review are to get known of health actions directed to this population; identify if actions are builtdialoge between health service providers and supported population and if those actions are sufficient to attend their needs. 264 related papers were found; 27 ed firstly and 11 among these were used after pre-defined criteria. The results were divided in 3 categories: 1) Health actions characteristics whose seek to attend homeless populations needs; 2) Health actions limitations whose restricts the response of this population needs; 3) Homeless population participation on those actions planning and execution. Papers reveal enhancement on basic rights access and bring contributions to support initiatives of enlargement and strengthen offers of intersectoral attention to this population.


Homeless population; health; mental health; intersectoriality.


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Van Wijk, LB, Mângia, E.F.. Psychosocial care and health care for homeless population: An integrative review.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/Feb). [Citado em 22/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/psychosocial-care-and-health-care-for-homeless-population-an-integrative-review/16636?id=16636&id=16636

