0134/2015 - Public health policies for the intellectually disabled in Brazil: an integrative review
Políticas públicas de saúde para deficientes intelectuais no Brasil: Uma revisão integrativa.


• Rodrigo Victor Viana Tomaz - Tomaz, Rodrigo Victor Viana - Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), Departamento de Medicina (DMed) - <rodrigotomaz@yahoo.com.br> +


• Débora Gusmão Melo - Melo, D.G. - São Carlos, SP - Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), Departamento de Medicina (DMed) - <dgmelo@ufscar.br>
• David Bui Van - Van, David Bui - Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), Departamento de Medicina (DMed) - <carlitosbio@yahoo.com.br>
• Thiago Lusivo Rosa - Rosa, Thiago Lusivo - Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), Departamento de Medicina (DMed) - <thiagolr@yahoo.com.br>

Thematic Area:

Políticas em Saúde


This study presents an integrative review of the scientific literature and federal legislation on public health policies for people with intellectual disabilities in Brazil. Nine articles, published in the PubMed, Scopus, Virtual Health Library and Web of Science databases between 2002 and 2012, were selected. From the references of these studies, 6 other articles were identified, totaling 15 studies in the review. Forty one federal laws produced between 2002 and 2012 were identified. The documents were analyzed and categorized according to the main theme in socioeconomic conditions, violence, mental health, ethics, health needs, health promotion and prevention. From scientific point of view, it was observed that discussions are non-specific, and intellectual disability was examined with other types of disabilities or concomitantly with other Latin American countries. From legal point of view, although laws related to health have been located, there is a lack of studies that address the effectiveness and level of implementation of proposed policies. The increase in research in this area is a demand from the disabled population itself, and will reveal their specific health needs, and also will support issues such as prevention, promotion, diagnosis and treatment.


Intellectual disabilityPublic policiesHealth policyReview


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Tomaz, Rodrigo Victor Viana, Melo, D.G., Van, David Bui, Rosa, Thiago Lusivo. Public health policies for the intellectually disabled in Brazil: an integrative review. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2015/Jul). [Citado em 21/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/public-health-policies-for-the-intellectually-disabled-in-brazil-an-integrative-review/15202?id=15202

