0182/2012 - Reflections on excessive cesarean rates in Brazil and women empowerment
Reflexões sobre o excesso de cesarianas no Brasil e a autonomia das mulheres


• MÍRIAM RÊGO DE CASTRO LEÃO - Leão, M.R.C. - Universidade de São Paulo - <miriamleao@usp.br> +


• Maria Luiza Gonzalez Riesco - Riesco, M.L.G - Universidade de São Paulo - <riesco@usp.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9036-5641
• CAMILLA ALEXSANDRA SCHNECK - SCHNECK C.A. - Universidade de São Paulo - <camillaschneck@usp.br>
• Margareth Angelo - Angelo M - Universidade de São Paulo - <angelm@usp.br> +

Thematic Area:

Políticas em Saúde


The medicalization of childbirth, as an outcome of the social medicalization, has been described as a complex sociocultural process that changes experiences, suffering and pain previously managed in family or community setting into medical needs. The aim is to take the excessive number of cesarean-sections in Brazil into consideration, in a critical approach. Data on caesarean section rates and studies on women‘s preference on mode of delivery are discussed in order to contribute to the discussion on the health system consumers´ autonomy. Medicalization is a cultural change that influences the ability to cope with as the experience of giving birth, as it entails dependency, heteronomy and abuse of cesarean-sections. Moreover, networks and social movements are discussed as possible facilitators of women‘s autonomy, as it enables mutual support, sharing of experiences, contributing to the construction of more balanced relations between women and health professionals. Participation in these networks allows the collective mobilization of women to claim their rights from the whole society.


Personal autonomy Patient rights Cesarean section Pregnant women Social participation


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Leão, M.R.C., Riesco, M.L.G, SCHNECK C.A., Angelo M. Reflections on excessive cesarean rates in Brazil and women empowerment. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2012/Apr). [Citado em 22/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/reflections-on-excessive-cesarean-rates-in-brazil-and-women-empowerment/9914?id=9914&id=9914

