0169/2016 - Right to health to Brazilian prison population starting the demographic study and recognition of vulnerabilities.
Demografia, vulnerabilidades e direito à saúde da população prisional Brasileira.


• Marden Marques Soares Filho - Soares Filho, Marden Marques - São Sebastião, DF - Psicólogo e Mestre em Ciência Política - <mardenfilho@gmail.com>


• Paula Michele Martins Gomes Bueno - Gomes Bueno, Paula Michele Martins - Secretaria da Criança, do Adolescente e da juventude do Governo do Distrito Federal - <paulammg@yahoo.com.br>

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This study investigates - in the direction of ensuring the human right to health - the latest research on the profile of the Brazilian prison population and its demography, in addition to the existing laws and regulations. The Brazilian prison system set up in a complex universe the state and federal criminal contexts remain in custody more than 607,000 people whose profile is 75% of young, black, 67% with low education and 41% of pre-trial detainees, living in overcrowded prisons and architecturally vandalized, with population growth of around 575% in 24 years, making this environment a major focus of production diseases. The prison becomes the object of differentiated intervention by public bodies linked to the executive and the judiciary - in order that the data show the high degree of inequalities and health vulnerabilities among the prison population, whose needs involve a set of intersectoral action of transverse public policies to their own penal execution.


prison systemHealthDemographyVulnerability


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Soares Filho, Marden Marques, Gomes Bueno, Paula Michele Martins. Right to health to Brazilian prison population starting the demographic study and recognition of vulnerabilities.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/Apr). [Citado em 21/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/right-to-health-to-brazilian-prison-population-starting-the-demographic-study-and-recognition-of-vulnerabilities/15593?id=15593

