0199/2016 - Right To Mental Health In Prison System: Strategies For Deinstitutionalization For The Custody Hospitals And Psychiatric Treatment
Direito À Saude Mental No Sistema Prisional: Estratégias De Desinstitucionalização Dos Hospitais De Custódia E Tratamento Psiquiátrico


• Marden Marques Soares Filho - Soares Filho, Marden Marques - São Sebastião, DF - Psicólogo e Cientista Político com foco em Direitos Humanos - <mardenfilho@gmail.com>


• Paula Michele Martins Gomes Bueno - Gomes Bueno, Paula Michele Martins - Secretaria da Criança, do Adolescente e da juventude do Governo do Distrito Federal, Coordenadora de Saúde Mental de Adolescentes em Conflito com a Lei - <paulammg@yahoo.com.br>

Thematic Area:

Não Categorizado


This study aimed to discuss the close relationship between mental health, the prison system and the criminal justice system, whose specific interfaces are the custody hospitals and psychiatric treatment (CHPT) and the person with mental disorder in conflict with the law. They will be presented extensive discussions on the Penal Execution Law and the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform Law, as well as intersectoral actions taken by the federal government (judiciary, SUS and SUAS) to bring the prison system and the criminal justice system to the anti-asylum combat. Will also be presented two successful experiences in the states of Minas Gerais and Goiás, which reflected the emergence of a new strategy on public health policy: the Evaluation Service and Monitoring Therapeutic Measures Applicable to the Person with Mental Disorder in Conflict with the Law, device connector between systems willing to operate in the process of deinstitutionalization of CHPT.


mental disorder Psychiatric reform Prison system Criminal justice


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Soares Filho, Marden Marques, Gomes Bueno, Paula Michele Martins. Right To Mental Health In Prison System: Strategies For Deinstitutionalization For The Custody Hospitals And Psychiatric Treatment. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/May). [Citado em 21/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/right-to-mental-health-in-prison-system-strategies-for-deinstitutionalization-for-the-custody-hospitals-and-psychiatric-treatment/15624?id=15624

