0094/2016 - Rio de Janeiro’s city health system: a historical trajectory 1916-2015. A hundred years of inovations and achievements
Trajetória histórica da organização sanitária da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro: 1916-2015. Cem anos de inovações e conquistas
• cadu@medicina.ufrj.br - Campos, Carlos Eduardo Aguilera - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Medicina de Família e Comunidade - <cadu@medicina.ufrj.br> +Co-author(s):
• Amélia Cohn - Amélia Cohn - Professora aposentada da USP , Pesquisadora senior do CNPq - <amelcohn@uol.com.br>• Ana Laura Brandão - Brandão, A.L - Escola Nacional de Saude Publica, Planejamento e Administração em Saúde - <alaurabrandao@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7148-2268
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Não CategorizadoAbstract:
As we rebuild the history of the facilities that constitute Rio de Janeiro’s city health system from 1916 to 2015, we are also putting together a hundred years of the country’s public health system as a hole. Due to its relevant role as the capital city, state of the federation and capital of Rio de Janeiro state, respectively, the city has had a great influence in the multiple events that helped to create the Brazilian National Health System (SUS).Periodization was the methodological resource used in order to investigate how several factors related to government goals and technical power that have turned into services, in a specific politics ideal of the health organization.
Yet, it has been noted that this network has always had a continuous growth, untill the constitution of SUS, and has always workerd in a paralell and independent way from the hospital and ambulatorial system, including the private, philantropic and welfare systems. The public health system assistance had always been focused to overcome the difficulties related to social inequality, exclusion of important social groups. The basic assistance of Rio de Janeiro’s city has always had and still has an important role in disseminating new cultures in the Brazilian National Health System, aiming to adapt the system to the progressive expansion of the right to be assisted in the health matters, keeping up with the