0305/2017 - Seeking the Recognition of Voice Disorder as Work-Related Disease: Hstorical-political movement.
Em Busca do Reconhecimento do Distúrbio de Voz como Doença Relacionada ao Trabalho: Movimento histórico-político.


• Maria Lúcia Vaz Masson - Masson, MLV - <masson@ufba.br>


• Silvia Ferrite - Ferrite, Silvia - <ferrite@ufba.br>
• Luiz Marcello de Almeida Pereira - Pereira, LMA - <marcello@lextra.com.br>
• Léslie Piccolotto Ferreira - Ferreira, LP - <lesliepf@pucsp.br>
• Tânia de Maria de Araújo - Araujo, TM - <araujo.tania@uefs.br>


The high prevalence of voice disorders among professionals who use their voice as a working tool, signals the existence of a collective illness caused by voice wear through poor working conditions and lack of social protection. This article describes the construction of a political movement seeking recognition of voice disorder as a work-related disease in Brazil. This is a narrative review on the historical processes, including social subjects, production of knowledge and the proposals for a strategic agenda, in view of the urgency of including voice disorder in the Brazilian Ministry of Health’s list of work-related diseases. The analysis comprises three strands: a) technical and scientific, on advances in characterization of voice disorder and establishment of its connection with work; b) juridical and institutional, on legal recognition of this linkage; c) political and professional, on mobilization of social actors to advocate recognition of work-related voice disorders (WRVDs). The key role of the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo in fomenting discussions about WRVDs over the course of this movement lasting nearly two decades is highlighted, along with the main difficulties in achieving formal recognition of WRVDs.


Occupational Health, Voice Disorders, Legislation as Topic, Public Health Policy, Public Health


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Masson, MLV, Ferrite, Silvia, Pereira, LMA, Ferreira, LP, Araujo, TM. Seeking the Recognition of Voice Disorder as Work-Related Disease: Hstorical-political movement.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2017/Sep). [Citado em 22/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/seeking-the-recognition-of-voice-disorder-as-workrelated-disease-hstoricalpolitical-movement/16357?id=16357&id=16357

