0097/2009 - Serodiscordance‘s invisibility in the attendance of people with HIV/AIDS.
A invisibilidade da sorodiscordância na atenção às pessoas com HIV/AIDS.


• Angela Machado da Silva - Silva, A.M. - RIO DE JANEIRO, RJ - Instituto de Medicina Social / Univers. do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - <angelamachado@bighost.com.br>

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This study aims to identify and analyze the strategies doctors use to assure the systematic use of condoms for Aids prevention, especially when patients are living a conjugal serodiscordant relationship, where only one partner is HIV positive. As analytic tool we used the concepts of thought styles of the epistemology (Fleck), formative process (Good), and therapeutics (Sayd, Camargo Jr. and Almeida). Among the findings, the production of invisibility with regards to the serodiscordant couples stood out, since what was identified by the subjects as really important is compliance with the prescribed treatment, which is conflated with and restricted to compliance with the drugs (anti-retroviral).
Key words: Serodiscordance; HIV/Aids; Medical Attention; Biomedicine.


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