0204/2008 - Silicosis among former copper mine workers
Silicose em Ex-mineiros de Extração de Cobre


• Honório Sampaio Menezes - Menezes, HS - Porto Alegre, RS - Universidade Luterana do Brasil e FUC/Instituto de Cardiologia - <hsmenezes@computech.com.br>

Thematic Area:

Não Categorizado


Background: There is a paucity of Brazilian studies analyzing the effect of continued silica exposure in former copper miners. Radiographic readings for silicosis have received widespread medical attention.
Purpose: The present study investigates the clinical and radiological presentation of silicosis among former copper mine workers.
Methods: A sample of 100 former copper miners had their clinical and occupational histories taken and underwent chest radiography in a cross sectional study. Their silica exposure time was assessed. The main outcome was the radiological severity of silicosis. A inform consent was taken from miners. The statistical analysis was done by Student t Test and Pearson test.
Results: Among the 100 miners, 35% had silicosis, 11% had conditions other than silicosis such as Tuberculosis, emphysema, chronic pulmonary obstructive disease, and 54% had no pulmonary lesions.
Conclusions: The high frequency reinforces the recommendation that silica exposure should be halted at an early stage whenever X-ray is suggestive of the disease.
Keywords: silicosis, copper, pulmonary disease, chronic obstructive


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