0768/2009 - Social determinants of health in the elderly
Determinantes sociais da saúde do idoso


• Lorena Teresinha Consalter Geib - Geib, LTC - Passo Fundo, RS - Universidade de Passo Fundo - <lorena@upf.br>

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Health is affected throughout life by characteristics of social nature, which produce inequalities in exposures and vulnerabilities. These social determinants interfere with the well-being, functional independence and quality of life of the elderly, but are generally ignored in interventions and policies. Therefore, the aim of this study was to systematize the understanding of the social determinants of health in the elderly, using the Dahlgren and Whitehead model as a conceptual guide. At the structural level, the effects of demographic changes in the aging process and morbidity profile were approached, at the intermediate level, the conditions of life and work with impact on current and future health and the role of social cohesion, and at the proximal level, the behaviors and lifestyles of major risk. It was demonstrated that equity in health requires attention to social determinants in the course of life to minimize chronic diseases and deficiencies of the elderly, which reflect their social positions in the past.

KEY WORDS: inequalities in health; health of the elderly; equity.


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